Check out our upholstered beds, glamour poufs, complete beds with a bedding container and bedroom cots. Find your dream bedroom furniture!


Beds, poufs or cots are probably furniture that is the most pleasant to buy. After all, they are associated with rest, relaxation – everything that is blissful, pleasant and unforced. Well, maybe apart from the visits “on the coffins”, but these are specific and fortunately unusual circumstances. In addition to complete beds, which you simply need to have, we also offer modern, comfortable and interestingly designed furniture such as poufs and coffins. Quilted bed, or pouf of this type is, as with sets of lounge furniture for the living room, very desirable models nowadays. We are happy to return to the fashionable accents of the 50s and 60s, but not so elegant anymore. Slightly refreshed versions of classic, peerelian upholstered armchairs and fashionable upholstered furniture on high legs now reign in tastefully decorated interiors. Reaching for upholstered beds nowadays does not at all involve refreshing old things from grandparents or even great-grandparents, but it is enough to simply order them on We prepare modern furniture for retro style – that is exactly what is very popular now. The company Meble Moskała offers custom-made furniture, which we deliver throughout Poland. We offer both beds and ottomans as well as whole dining sets, including tables and chairs, as well as many other types of furniture.
Beds for the bedroom with a container for bedding
Even upholstered beds from Moskała Furniture have special containers for bedding. While this is not necessary in the case of living room seating sets, and the high legs of sofas are just very timely, in the case of beds with fabric upholstery, practical aspects still prevail. The built-in bottom part for bedding is most desirable, and the accent catching attention are primarily quilted headboards. Upholstered bedroom beds, upholstered armchairs and modern bedside tables are furniture that is worth investing in these rooms. In addition, soft poufs will also work in the bedroom, which also refer a bit to the climates of a few decades ago, but mainly through quilted surfaces. However, their shapes are often more contemporary. Such a combination of fashion from the old years with what is associated with modernity is the most fashionable trends today and probably in the coming years as well.